
Antonio and I performing for his son's wedding

Click on the picture above to see Dani's photos about her Andalusian friends.

A long time ago I went on a trip to Carmona and fell so deeply in love with Andalusia, I decided to live there half of the time.

One day I met a lovely lady named Dolores Maria who owned a lovely furniture shop in Osuna and invited me to her house and introduced me to her friends and family. They are the loveliest, funniest, sweetest people on earth, we got along like a house on fire and through the years they became my Spanish family.

Antonio, Dolores’ husband, happens to be a very good guitar player and for fun’s sake we would meet several times a week to play and record cover versions of songs we liked in his home studio.
The thrill is gone” is one them.

The song means a lot to me for when a love affair is over we often think we won’t be able to survive it and then one day the thrill is gone, we stop hurting and when we look back we wonder what it was we saw in that person whose love we were craving. My Andalusian friends certainly helped me in that process.

The pictures that illustrate the song are taken during trips Antonio, Dolores, Juan-Carlos (also a guitar player), his wife Ana and I took together. We enjoyed each other’s company very much and laughed a lot.

Discover “The Thrill Is Gone":